
I’m back

What's up geeks, I'm back. After a long long break, I'm back. A lot has happened in the middle, personal stuff, my studies were rough, started working. But once again ready to start learning a shit ton.  In this new chapter, I will be documenting what I learn or anything else I feel is worth … Continue reading I’m back

Learning WebScraping with Beautiful Soup

Today I woke up and had to tackle several house chores. After finishing at around midday, I rested and then rested some more. Until around 4pm, say 30 minutes back. After watching a video on the EuroLeague and thinking "Hey I should be watching a lot more of this" I thought as to why I … Continue reading Learning WebScraping with Beautiful Soup

The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck

"Keep death in mind at all times, in order to appreciate life more" Although it may seem cynical, it helps you to stay grateful and understand what you have. "Not giving a fuck does not mean being indifferent; it means being comfortable with being different. Let’s be clear." "Problems never stop; they merely get exchanged … Continue reading The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck