The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck

“Keep death in mind at all times, in order to appreciate life more”

Although it may seem cynical, it helps you to stay grateful and understand what you have.

“Not giving a fuck does not mean being indifferent; it means being comfortable with being different. Let’s be clear.”

“Problems never stop; they merely get exchanged and/or upgraded.”

One part of the book is dedicated to the notion that in life one should not seek to be all rainbows and sunshine, but to have better, more interesting problems as life progress. It is like upgrading your life, as it gets better, so do the problems.

“What values are we choosing to base our actions on?” “The point is to find the shit you enjoy dealing with.”

This is one of the main ideas I got from the book. It addresses the fact that we will only be able to enjoy life, if we are clear con what we value out of it. The books gives several examples on this. It basically proves this principle to be true in the life of former ‘Beatles’ George Harrison.

“The more we admit we do not know, the more opportunities we gain to learn.”

Life is all about learning, this is why we read, this is why you are here reading this post. To learn.

This are some of the best quotes I myself have noted down when reading the book by Mark Manson in “The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck”.

If you are interested in reading it, I will drop down the link to the Kindle version.

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