I’m back

What’s up geeks, I’m back. After a long long break, I’m back. A lot has happened in the middle, personal stuff, my studies were rough, started working. But once again ready to start learning a shit ton. 

In this new chapter, I will be documenting what I learn or anything else I feel is worth sharing. For instance, I have been reading the book “Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python”, and though I already know Python, yesterday I learned about a new way to use dictionaries using “.get()” and about defaultdict which I foresee it being quite useful. 

If anyone happens to be reading this, let me know in the comment section what topics you would enjoy reading and having a discussion about. My plan now is to write about my journey learning data science, topics I find interesting in university and work, and any other area of interest of mine such as basketball, cooking, TV shows, movies, and books. 

I won’t be sticking to any particular schedule when it comes to posting as it will not be a priority of any sort, it will be mainly for fun. However, if I have to receive any messages regarding any post, I will make an effort to answer ASAP.

That is all for now, thanks for reading, have a great week, and keep on geeking!

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